Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Welcome to basically the body odor blog

Hello my name is Jermaine, and I have an unexplained body odor that I cannot explain yet it's been affecting my life for the last 5-6 years. I don't want to bore you of my horrible life story, so I'll save it and tell you the main reason why I created this blog. I AM NOT  CURED OF MY ODOR, and I still suffer from the embarrassment and harassment from the outside world. This blog is created to show you all the remedies and  cures that I've found on the internet, claiming that their specific  remedy or regimen has  supposedly cured them of their malodorous odor. I'm also going to put up specific herbs or products that have been known to cure body odor as well.  I didn't really go into what my type of body odor is like, this is not really a blog site for people who have some odor under their armpits when it gets hot out during the day and they start to sweat a little. This blog site is for the people who have this rancid odor that either drives people away or  people ridicule you whenever you're in the vicinity. This is for the people who tried hundreds of ways to combat the odor, but to no avail failed every time they tried to get rid of this stench encompassing their body. This blog site is for the people who feel like they're going crazy because the whole world says that you smell like shit, yet your family members can't seem to smell what everyone else smells (neither can you unfortunately). I do not condemn the ordinary people who have body odor just under their under arms, anybody is welcome to my site. However, this blog is mainly for the people who have this undetectable odor that they can't smell, yet the whole world can, this is for you guys since I know what it feels like and I know what you're going through.


Anonymous said...

Good for you. Glad you started the site and have everything in one place for once! I am a lurker on many of the other boards. Be well.

Jax said...

Thanks for visiting my blog is there anything that you want me to research for you that can be shown on the blog?

Anonymous said...

i feel you... i am going thru it myself... everyday dragging myself to work and keeping a stoic face just to get thru the day. if i can afford to i would just stay at home so as to have little interaction with other people as possible. my husband even says that it's just in my mind but other people's reaction says otherwise. same as u i also can't smell what other people smell from me... am so tempted to ask already! anyway, i'm currently trying the candida diet. atleast hubby is supporting me on this as i can't do this alone...