Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to stay on a diet longterm

Diets are hard to keep, trust me  I KNOW

             Dieting is a big factor when it comes to  decreasing your body odor.  Many people have stated that they've  reduced their odor  through   a restrictive diet.  I have read many testimonials about  people  "curing" themselves from their odor condition or they would stop their odor completely after they have tried a certain diet. I'm not really speculating on if their certain diets work , but if these people really were "cured" when they stuck to a diet for that short time period.  I know diets do a play a factor because the times when I did not smell bad to people was at the time I ate  a certain type of diet. But whenever I stopped  the diet, I've noticed that I started to smell or get the same reactions like I did before. I honestly feel that a lot people who's odors are diet related cannot be cured through a few months of dieting. I feel that the odor will only come back after a short while and then they will have to start the diet over again.

         In addition, I do feel that a lot of people who did control their diet for a time, can never stay on the diet long term. According to WebMD, people  generally  only last on a diet for about six months until they regress back into their old eating lifestyle. More importantly people who have stricter diets that stray away from their normal eating patterns tend to last less than six months with their restrictive diet. This is a very important fact to note because if your odor is affected by what you eat, then that means there's a good chance that you will not be able to rid your odor. Or have a good control over your condition for good. In order to prevent your diet from failing you have to be aware  of things to avoid and implement so that  you can stay on  a diet long term. First  and foremost, we have to figure what is causing us to  lose track of our diets, and  how can we prevent it from happening. Secondly, I want to touch  on what  causes us to eat food that we know are bad for us and how we can avoid  that as well.

Tips for staying on your Diet

Tip 1: Too strict for longterm
         According to professionals  The major cause of diet failure  is having a  restrictive diet. When you start off with a diet that is very difficult to keep up with . The chances of  you  making it  a longterm habit  is low. This is really important to remember  because most of us who get into diets that are supposed to reduce our odor, are eating foods  that are unfamiliar to us. Its not the fact that eating food that is new  to you is going to regress you into failure, but it is the straying away from the common foods you eat that increases the chance of failure. A recommendation to keep your diet  on track is to  choose a diet that  has common foods you eat day to day  because the diets that last are the diets that require little change.

Tip 2: Don't live in temptation
        When we don't  change our environments like we change our diets we tend to fall off our diets.  Whenever we get into a new diet there  are always environmental factors that will make us fall into temptation. For example,  you might live with a family  and there will be a lot of troubling food that can  cause you to relapse from your diet. Or you might be hanging out with your friends at  some type of eatery , and things they order make you so envious and tempted to order the same thing. To be successful on your diet you need to create diet friendly environment at your home or workplace.  A great tip  is to try and  get support from your family and friends. To remove the temptation wherever you can, and stock your kitchen with the recommended  food you want to eat.

Tip 3: Food Journalist
         A great recommendation that can  keep you on your diet is to keep track of your diet. Experts have said that self-monitoring is the best way to to instill  the habit of keeping your diet in order. Keeping track of your progress  by writing down your weight and the food you ate can  be beneficial because  you will be able to see the improvements you have made through out your journey. Say for example, that on a particular day you smelled really bad but you did not know what was the cause of it. With your food journal  you will be able   to narrow down the foods that might cause you to smell because you will know the common foods you have eaten that never caused you to smell.
This is a great video about staying on a diet that I think people will enjoy

Tip 4: Baby Steps
         Taking baby steps while getting into your diet is an awesome way to create a long term habit. Ease yourself into  the diet little by little, by slowly bringing in  the type of foods that you need  or want to have as your ideal diet. Lets just say for example you want to have more  greens in your diet, or better yet, you want to become a complete vegetarian. Maybe you should just start off with having a salad for one  meal everyday .Then after seven days  include  a salad for  two different meals instead of one everyday. Slowly but surely keep increasing the amount of greens in your diet,   until the preferred foods you want to eat have become a part of your normal diet. Then later on  diminish the the type of food that is bad for you or that is  causing you to smell.

Tip 5: Give a little reward
        Something else you can implement to keep your diet into  longevity is to reward yourself every time you have achieved any goal that you set for your  diet. For example, lets say that your goal was to stay on a diet for a month without any cheating done.  If you have accomplished this feat, you should reward yourself with a little something . Maybe treating yourself to a movie, or shopping, or some fun activity. It can be any small reward, except food!

Tip 6: Spice things up
         Eating a continuous  diet with the same  meals throughout  the day. Can get boring, and may revert you back to your old diet. In order to prevent that you should try and change  things up by eating  food seasonally.  Meaning, you should try different foods  every season. Try different seasonings that  you can add  to your foods. Or change your normal breakfast meals to your dinner meals and vice versa.  Do anything to break out the  mundane routine.
Eating the same things day after day  is going to get boring. 
Therefore, you should strive to diversify your eating choices

Tip 7: Going on vacation has the ability to  relapse you back into your old ways 
    Vacation can steer your commitment to your diet in the wrong direction. Simply because you are on your vacation to relax from work so you feel the same way about relaxing from your diet.  The way you can prevent yourself from going back into relapse is to plan ahead on what you are going to bring on your vacation. And if you are going to indulge  in some of the  bad foods, indulge in them wisely

Tip 8:  Indulging in  social events 
         If you participate in a lot of social events like weddings, barbeques,  tailgating, or  birthday parties. And you are trying to stay on track of your diet. There is a good chance that there will be  a myriad of tempting food that can knock you off your diet goals. The best option to carry out so you won't be persuaded by the delicious, yet harmful , eatery is to eat before  you go to that social event. When you go to those social  events with a partial or extreme hunger those temptations are going to be a lot harder to sidestep and avoid.  So in order to counter act these alluring evils is to satiate your hunger before even arriving at the event. 

Tip 9: When you are stressed out
         If you are an emotional eater like me, then  when you are having a really stressful day you want to satisfy yourself with something sweet,  chocolatey, and heavy.  However, you know that by doing this in the end will create even more problems for you. Simple ways to avoid emotional eating is  to apply  stress relieving exercises like deep breathing, meditation, walking, talking to a loved one, etc.. Another option you can   do is to get more sleep. It has been stated that people who are  chronically sleep deprived tend to  feel hungrier. Therefore, getting 7-9 hours of sleep may help you out in the end


Kathleen M.  Zelman(2013) How to stay on a diet. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/how-to-stay-on-a-diet

Marissa Lippert()How to Keep your diet on track. Retrieved from http://www.womansday.com/health-fitness/diet-weight-loss/how-to-keep-your-diet-on-track-107826

Angela Hupt(2011)How to stay on a diet to lose or maintain weight. Retrieved from http://health.usnews.com/best-diet/articles/2011/06/06/how-to-stay-on-a-diet-to-lose-or-maintain-weight


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