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I've seen countless stories of people using probiotics to try and combat their odor. In addition, I heard stories from some of them affirming that the probiotics relieved their odor. This made me start to wonder if probiotics has any correlation with the treatment of body odor. I can recall a point in time when I used probiotics, and at that time I saw less reactions from people than if I didn't use them. However, I was doing a lot of other things to prevent myself from smelling bad (ex. diet, exercise, supplements). But the question still remains, can probiotics alone be able to relieve any type of body odor? And if it does, how does it treat the odor? Well from what I researched probiotics are live microorgansims that are similar to the beneficial bacteria that is found in the intestinal tract. Probiotics is said to help us in two ways. One way is that it keeps the tract healthy by filtering out the harmful bacteria.
Here is a video that explains how probiotics effect the body
And the second way it impacts our health is by strengthening the immune system. A healthy intestinal microflora is said to aid in digestion, synthesizing nutrients, metabolizing medications, and sustaining the healthy environment in the gut. However, when the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract starts to dwindle it increases the chances of digestive issues, infections, and other illnesses. According to an article that was posted on livestrong.com "When the flora in your intestinal tract is out of balance, this can lead to body odor"(Linda Tarr Kent,2011). So there is some supposed information that states that having an out of balance flora can lead to body odor.Yet, I couldn't find any other article backing that information up that is a more credible source. Probiotics are known to treat intestinal conditions like diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, vaginal infections, and skin infections. Yet, I have never read any article from a medical website stating that it can rid your body of
bromhidrosis or fecal body odor. It's still unknown that probiotics can relieve body odor , I have recorded some articles where people stated that it helped relieve their body odor/bad breath. The only thing that is certain is that it's proven alleviate digestive disorders
Linda Tarr Kent(2011)Different types of probiotics for body odor. Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/285959-different-types-of-probiotics-for-body-odor/
Brian Conoll(2011)Probiotics for bromhidrosis. Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/549620-probiotics-for-bromhidrosis/
WebMD(2013)Probiotics Overview. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/probiotics-topic-overview
MedicineNet(2013)Probiotics.Retrieved from http://www.medicinenet.com/probiotics/page2.htm
1 comment:
There seems to be research done about TMAU and coronary disease, and how they hope to use probiotics to deal with some types and maybe cure the aquired forms. I think Nature magazine did an article, I'll have to check
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