Any suggestions or comments about how to make this blog better would be much obliged. Is there anything you want me to research or look up I will try to find it and add it so you don't have to scour all over the internet when I have done it for you.
i love this blog its extremely helpful and i just want to thank you so much for your efforts. i think it would be a lot more useful describing the odors as something other than poop. i know there are people out there who specifically smell like feces, but i think it would be a lot more helpful and more of a relief if all of the smells could be put into more detail. for myself, i smell of feces, rotten eggs, burnt rubber etc. i would feel a lot more reassured if in the stories i were reading that finally give me hope, there were a more detailed description of the various offensive smells other than just feces or bo. just so that i can directly relate more and rest assured it is more likely i have that same exact problem, if oyu know what i mean. it does bother and confuse me a bit that quite a lot of focus is on bad breath and normal bo.
I just want to comment here to share with u the "cure" i just found out for body odors! when i say body odors not just the armpit odor but others as well (bad breath, viginal infection, odor on foot)! i am so happy that i finally found it, and i will be more happy if this method will help a lot of people like me. :) so here it is..
since i was grade 5 i suffered by having a bad breath, armpit odor, vaginal infection and foot odor (although the last one was not that strong). since i am a girl, it was very hard for me to have this kind of problem. I am now a fresh graduate from college, although i had many friends and enjoyed college life, i grown as a very shy with little self confidence. i always thought "if i dont have this body odors, i wont be like this.." but until now bad odor was part of me.
i thought this is really a part of me and no solution at all. but last week, my dad, mom and i had a whole body massage (1hour) for our relaxation and suddenly my body odor vanished! ( it was my first time to have a body massage. ) the woman who massaged me said my body is very stiff everwhere. there are many spots of tiredness and therefore it was good for me to finally tried to be massaged. she said body massage is very good to improve the circulation of blood in our body. it means it will provide more oxygen to our body too! like many introduced methods for body odor, oxygen was important to remove body odor. spots of tiredness can be found by pressing the skin very deep. if there is a small bumps by pressing the skin while rubbing it up and down, it means it has slightly dislocated blood vessels that needs to be adjusted again.
after whole body massage, i felt very relaxed and easier to breath than before. and my body odor was also gone! now i am no longer applying anything on my armpit. (no alcohol, no deodorant) i dont smell too eventhough i shower now only once a day, i feel fresh, happy and very healthy! i will definitely ask again for whole body massage! since the woman adviced me to have everyweek quick whole body massage, i'll go there once a week.
if you are not yet experienced the whole body massage in a proper professional in this field, just try. you will have nothing to lose! if you already done this and still your body odor sticks with you, then maybe there is a serious problem inside your body. so please go to the doctor before it will be too late..
sorry for very long message. i just want to share every detail of my discovery and happiness.. sorry if my english is not so good. i hope this will help a lot of people like me! ;)
#stress was the opponent in my long battle.
To the first commenter on May 17, 2012. I understand where you are coming from. I do know that there are more odd smells that are coming from people rather than a musty or fecal odor. I do provide links with testimonials of people who had odd odors like rotten eggs or garbage smells in the possible cures page. The links are under the title called remedies for abnormal odors
To the second commenter on july 13, 2013. That's great that you have found some type of relief in your odor. Are you telling me that your regular odor problem was that of underarm odor, bad breath, and vaginal odor? Are you still relieved from the odor currently with the continual body massages?
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