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Like the title implies these diets are diets that were used from people who cured themselves of their body odors. Though these diets have helped some they're not specifically for everyone, for example, the TMAU diet obviously helps the ones who suffer from TMAU and the Candida diet helps those who suffer from Candida. Though it might still help you, you should go to a doctor and figure out what's wrong with you or at least research the possible disease or disorder you might have so you can deal effectively on your distressing odors. All of these diets have one thing in common and that is to get rid of processed commercial brand foods that have high fructose corn syrup or white flour and the like. I will put up the foods you are allowed to eat and what you should avoid on each diet.
Diet List
1.Candida Diet
2.TMAU Diet
3.FODMAP Diet (@ Body Odor Diets 2)
4.Anti-inflammatory Diet (@ Body Odor Diets 2)
5.Alkaline Diet (@ Body Odor Diets 3)
6. SIBO Diet (@ Body Odor Diets 3)
Note: this list is not ranked in efficiency
Candida Diet:
The candida diet is for people who suffer from a fungal infection overgrowth called candidiasis, which can lie in the intestinal tract, mouth, genitals, and throat. The purpose of the diet is to starve the candida or restrict it from growing by eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet. The reason being is that sugar and carbohydrates is the yeast's(candida) food source, and if you don't take it out of your diet the candida will still flourish and multiply. Therefore, you have to restrict your sugar and carbohydrate consumption or at least limit it to an extremely low level, take anti-fungal herbs or medicine, and supply your body with probiotics for you to have a chance of ridding it from your body.
For more information on Candida click on these links
http://www.thecandidadiet.com/The candida diet is for people who suffer from a fungal infection overgrowth called candidiasis, which can lie in the intestinal tract, mouth, genitals, and throat. The purpose of the diet is to starve the candida or restrict it from growing by eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet. The reason being is that sugar and carbohydrates is the yeast's(candida) food source, and if you don't take it out of your diet the candida will still flourish and multiply. Therefore, you have to restrict your sugar and carbohydrate consumption or at least limit it to an extremely low level, take anti-fungal herbs or medicine, and supply your body with probiotics for you to have a chance of ridding it from your body.
For more information on Candida click on these links
Any vegetables
Plain Yogurt
Organic Beef
Organic Chicken
Organic Fish
Organic Eggs
Any nuts that don't have high mold content
Buck Wheat
Wild and brown rice
Recommended spices:
Black Pepper
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It also is a natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent.
Unfortunately for B.O sufferers, it will make you smell a lot worse
Recommended Oils:
Virgin Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Pumpkin seed oil
Macadamia Oil
Almond Oil
Flax Oil
Coconut oil
Coconut butter
Organic butter
Cinnamon Tea
Clove Tea
Chamomile Tea
Pau D'arco Tea
Peppermint Tea
Ginger Tea
Licorice Tea
Lemongrass Tea
Green Tea
(Any type of fruit that has high sugar content,
except lemons or limes)
Aged cheese
Any additives or preservatives
Caffeinated drinks
(Any seasoned nuts and nuts that have high
mold content like peanuts)
The problem with nuts like peanuts is that they contain high mold content. Foods that have mold in them have fungal toxins that will only feed your candida infection instead or making it weaker.
Soy sauce
Salad dressings
Any sugars/junk food
Fats and oils:
Peanut oil
Cottonseed oil
Corn oil
Canola oil
Soy oil
TMAU Diet:
The TMAU diet basically consists of eating foods that have a low choline intake, it has been said that this diet will reduce the odors but it will not completely eliminate them so I don't want you to misinterpret the full effectiveness of this diet. I primarily found low choline and high choline foods in a USDA pdf application on choline foods that was made in 2008. If you want to look further into the application the link will be posted below. On a side note, though the TMAU diet does not completely get rid of the odors in your body it has been said that taking copper chlorophyllin, or washing with charcoal soap, or even doing a liver cleanse will reduce the odors even more. And taking them all together will no doubt bring your bring your body odor to an all-time low (but keep in mind what works for some may not work for others).
For more information on TMAU look at these links:
http://www.hbri.org/TMAuria.htm Note:
*This new TMAU list will have only foods that you can eat that are 50mg of choline or lower
*Remember that the least amount of choline you can eat per day is 425-550mg, if you eat any less then you will become deficient in it.
*Some deficiency symptoms in choline include fatigue, insomnia, inability to concentrate urine in kidneys, memory problems. And for more severe cases infertility, abnormal bone formation, liver dysfunction, impaired growth, and cardiovascular/circulatory problems. Becoming deficient in choline is not something you want to do.
Very nice article and thanks for share
Hopefully this works for me, if it doesn't work , well then all I have left I suicide. Im not going back to school
Anonymous.... Let's hope you went back to school and not the other... It's been over a yr since your last comment ... hope you're doing well and everything is A OK.
I also have this ODOR .. I'm not able to smell it but others can. Once in a while if I lean over, coming back up is when I notice something.. I have a chronic sinus infection and feel it's from my diet of Drinking or eating Dairy . which I've cut from my food choices..drinking coconut milk now.. non dairy .. either way.. I'm doing what everyone else on here is doing... trying to figure it all out on my own ,,, I will win this somehow,, my brother invited me over for thanksgiving to his home I'm not sure if I can go,, for not wanting to put them thru the odor or me for that matter of being embarrest ... wish me luck.. I wish all of you the same..
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